"Let Your steadfast love come to me,
O Lord, Your salvation according
to Your promise."
Psalm 119:41 ESV
A Love so Rare and True
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
God needed someone special to entrust His Little Lamb...
Surefooted and strong to walk all the way to Bethlehem.
Chosen for his endurance while carrying a heavy load...
A donkey was given the honor - to tread that dusty road.
The precious cargo he'd carry, was the unborn Chosen One...
For upon his back was Mary, and within her, God's own Son.
Though the journey was long and hard, Mary never lost her smile...
Tenderly encouraging the donkey, over every mile.
Oh how tired they both became traveling that tough trail...
Yet; they remained steadfast, trusting together they'd prevail.
Weary and exhausted these two made quite a pair...
Joined by what had been entrusted, to their care.
For God had chosen both of them, to carry His Son...
Secretly knowing that it would take two, not just one.
For this Mission of Love they were being called together to do...
Needed both to safeguard and deliver A Love so Rare and TRue.
So in His Wisdom God chose a young girl and donkey...
To carry the Greatest Gift the earth would ever see.
And as each one watched the setting suns fading light...
At last the town of Bethlehem came into sight.
Now that the donkey had delivered them to this holy place...
It was Mary's turn to deliver, God's Gift of Love and Grace!
"He who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23 NIV
A Mission of Love
O Lord, Your salvation according
to Your promise."
Psalm 119:41 ESV
A Love so Rare and True
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
God needed someone special to entrust His Little Lamb...
Surefooted and strong to walk all the way to Bethlehem.
Chosen for his endurance while carrying a heavy load...
A donkey was given the honor - to tread that dusty road.
The precious cargo he'd carry, was the unborn Chosen One...
For upon his back was Mary, and within her, God's own Son.
Though the journey was long and hard, Mary never lost her smile...
Tenderly encouraging the donkey, over every mile.
Oh how tired they both became traveling that tough trail...
Yet; they remained steadfast, trusting together they'd prevail.
Weary and exhausted these two made quite a pair...
Joined by what had been entrusted, to their care.
For God had chosen both of them, to carry His Son...
Secretly knowing that it would take two, not just one.
For this Mission of Love they were being called together to do...
Needed both to safeguard and deliver A Love so Rare and TRue.
So in His Wisdom God chose a young girl and donkey...
To carry the Greatest Gift the earth would ever see.
And as each one watched the setting suns fading light...
At last the town of Bethlehem came into sight.
Now that the donkey had delivered them to this holy place...
It was Mary's turn to deliver, God's Gift of Love and Grace!
"He who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23 NIV
A Mission of Love