"You will hide them in the secret place of Your presence..."
Psalm 31:20 ISV
"God is our refuge and strength, a
great help in times of distress."
Psalm 46:1 ISV
Come Unto Me
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God,
and once again I will praise Him, my savior and my God."
Psalm 42:5 GNT
Rest - Refresh - Restore - Renew and Reveal...
All of these are precious gifts - meant to heal.
Vital acquisitions on the battle field...
For once received - they will become your shield.
So precious Child of Mine, come unto Me...
Let Me prepare you, for this next journey.
Receive now, the first gift of rest for your soul...
Then be refreshed, as you relinquish control.
Releasing My Spirit, to restore and renew...
As He reveals, My new Plans and Purpose for you.
Whenever; you grow weary remember these five...
And how to activate them, so they come alive!
For when you enter My Presence - I can begin...
The restoration process - of healing within.
Something that needs to take place, continually...
As you enter this next phase, of your destiny.
"When my anxious inner thoughts become
overwhelming, Your comfort encourages me."
Psalm 94:19 ISV
My Sanctuary of Peace
great help in times of distress."
Psalm 46:1 ISV
Come Unto Me
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Why am I so troubled? I will put my hope in God,
and once again I will praise Him, my savior and my God."
Psalm 42:5 GNT
Rest - Refresh - Restore - Renew and Reveal...
All of these are precious gifts - meant to heal.
Vital acquisitions on the battle field...
For once received - they will become your shield.
So precious Child of Mine, come unto Me...
Let Me prepare you, for this next journey.
Receive now, the first gift of rest for your soul...
Then be refreshed, as you relinquish control.
Releasing My Spirit, to restore and renew...
As He reveals, My new Plans and Purpose for you.
Whenever; you grow weary remember these five...
And how to activate them, so they come alive!
For when you enter My Presence - I can begin...
The restoration process - of healing within.
Something that needs to take place, continually...
As you enter this next phase, of your destiny.
"When my anxious inner thoughts become
overwhelming, Your comfort encourages me."
Psalm 94:19 ISV
My Sanctuary of Peace