For a time such as this...
Dare to D.E.C.L.A.R.E!
Committed to...
Decisively Embrace Christ Like Attitudes Regardless Everyday
Regardless of what others think or say. Regardless of whether it's popular or politically correct, inconvenient or out of your comfort zone!
Regardless, daring to D.E.C.L.A.R.E. everywhere!
Not just with fellow believers and in church but at work, in the marketplace, at school and in the home. Every day, everywhere, in every way, for God created us in His Image. Sending His Son, Jesus, to be our example so we can live lives, that glorify and bring honor to the One who died to set us free.
Our loving Abba Father also sent the gift of His Spirit, as a Comforter and Counselor, to guide and equip us to be reflections of His Son. Enlightened and empowered with the Mind of Christ, filled with the Fruit of the Spirit. Therefore...
"Do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the
Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV
So dare to D.E.C.L.A.R.E!
And live as...
Regardless, daring to D.E.C.L.A.R.E. everywhere!
Not just with fellow believers and in church but at work, in the marketplace, at school and in the home. Every day, everywhere, in every way, for God created us in His Image. Sending His Son, Jesus, to be our example so we can live lives, that glorify and bring honor to the One who died to set us free.
Our loving Abba Father also sent the gift of His Spirit, as a Comforter and Counselor, to guide and equip us to be reflections of His Son. Enlightened and empowered with the Mind of Christ, filled with the Fruit of the Spirit. Therefore...
"Do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the
Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV
So dare to D.E.C.L.A.R.E!
And live as...