When D.O.G. meets F.R.O.G.
The best way to Depend On God is to...
Fully Rely On God!
God wanted to give something special to man...
A constant reminder of HIM was the plan.
So He sent a pup from Heaven above...
As a symbol and reminder of His Love.
The following poem makes us aware...
Of all that canines and Jesus share.
"A true friend is always loyal..."
Proverbs 17:17 TLB
Man's Best Friend
by Kathie Iselin © frompapagod.com
He loves us unconditionally no matter what we do...
And simply by calling him he's always there for you.
He's not impressed by titles or how much we might earn...
No matter who we are, he eagerly awaits our return.
He delights in a walk, beside us each day...
And is ready to protect us, in any way.
Always our companion no matter where we go...
A buddy for life who loves us so.
He lights up with joy when we call him by name...
And won't ever criticize or place any blame.
Even though we might neglect him every now and then...
He'll always forgive us and still be our friend.
He's there to comfort us at the end of a difficult day...
And just by touching him our stress all melts away.
He's there to guard us all night through...
And he'd even lay down his life for you!
So it doesn't surprise me in the least nor do I find it odd...
That when you print dog backwards - it spells God!
"In times of trouble, You will protect me."
Psalm 27:5 CEV
A constant reminder of HIM was the plan.
So He sent a pup from Heaven above...
As a symbol and reminder of His Love.
The following poem makes us aware...
Of all that canines and Jesus share.
"A true friend is always loyal..."
Proverbs 17:17 TLB
Man's Best Friend
by Kathie Iselin © frompapagod.com
He loves us unconditionally no matter what we do...
And simply by calling him he's always there for you.
He's not impressed by titles or how much we might earn...
No matter who we are, he eagerly awaits our return.
He delights in a walk, beside us each day...
And is ready to protect us, in any way.
Always our companion no matter where we go...
A buddy for life who loves us so.
He lights up with joy when we call him by name...
And won't ever criticize or place any blame.
Even though we might neglect him every now and then...
He'll always forgive us and still be our friend.
He's there to comfort us at the end of a difficult day...
And just by touching him our stress all melts away.
He's there to guard us all night through...
And he'd even lay down his life for you!
So it doesn't surprise me in the least nor do I find it odd...
That when you print dog backwards - it spells God!
"In times of trouble, You will protect me."
Psalm 27:5 CEV