"Follow Me."
Matt 4:19 NKJV
"Come unto Me."
Matthew 11:28 KJV
"Abide in Me."
John 15:4 NIV
Beyond the Doorway
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Come follow Me" our Savior said, giving us a choice...
And there were those who followed, listening to the Shepherd's Voice.
"Come unto Me" - He also said and I will give you rest...
But when He said "Abide in Me" - He offered us the best!
For all those who've heard Him Knocking and opened the door...
Have you recognized the need to "look beyond" for more?
Have you sought the Spirit's Guidance to fully understand...
Or have you missed the "Treasure" found in His heartfelt Command?
For the difference with "night and day" and "purity and sin"...
Is similar to that between abiding "with" and "in".
So listen very carefully to catch that one word...
For it's often overlooked yet vital to be heard.
Because our Redeemer did not say "Abide with Me"...
But in Me, extending the gift of intimacy.
So enter into this place of quiet trust with your Savior...
Experience a "oneness" that influences behavior.
For a single taste's never enough to satisfy...
The souls longing for this addictive Spiritual High.
So hear and heed "Abide in Him" - look beyond the doorway...
And discover the joy filled wonder - each time you obey.
Walk through that threshold with a desire to abide...
Seeking with all your heart the Treasure revealed deep inside.
"For my determined purpose is that I may know Him,
that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately
acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding
the wonders of His Person, more strongly and more clearly."
Philippians 3:10 AMP
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Come follow Me" our Savior said, giving us a choice...
And there were those who followed, listening to the Shepherd's Voice.
"Come unto Me" - He also said and I will give you rest...
But when He said "Abide in Me" - He offered us the best!
For all those who've heard Him Knocking and opened the door...
Have you recognized the need to "look beyond" for more?
Have you sought the Spirit's Guidance to fully understand...
Or have you missed the "Treasure" found in His heartfelt Command?
For the difference with "night and day" and "purity and sin"...
Is similar to that between abiding "with" and "in".
So listen very carefully to catch that one word...
For it's often overlooked yet vital to be heard.
Because our Redeemer did not say "Abide with Me"...
But in Me, extending the gift of intimacy.
So enter into this place of quiet trust with your Savior...
Experience a "oneness" that influences behavior.
For a single taste's never enough to satisfy...
The souls longing for this addictive Spiritual High.
So hear and heed "Abide in Him" - look beyond the doorway...
And discover the joy filled wonder - each time you obey.
Walk through that threshold with a desire to abide...
Seeking with all your heart the Treasure revealed deep inside.
"For my determined purpose is that I may know Him,
that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately
acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding
the wonders of His Person, more strongly and more clearly."
Philippians 3:10 AMP