"We are the clay, and You are the potter.
We are all formed by Your hand."
Isaiah 64:8 NLT
In the Hands of the Potter
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com

The faithful Potter will not abandon
the works of His Hands...
For this skilled Craftsman remains steadfast, despite life's harsh demands.

He's there when our fragile hearts
sustain a break or crack...
And throughout temptation, when
Satan tries to call us back.

Yet even when we've failed
at times to listen and obey...
He quickly forgives a
contrite heart
and reshapes the clay.

Then using the outward flaws, the
world is so quick to see...
He adds His Living Water, to
our broken pottery.

Water He draws from the
Fountain of Life that flows...
Within repentant hearts where
seeds of His Love grows.

For all who come thirsty seeking
refreshment from this Well...
Soon find far more than anything
the world can give or sell.

Discovering the true Gift of
Life so precious and rare...
And a Well Spring of Hope that comforts in times of despair.

So come meet the Potter and
be restored by His Hand...
Refreshed by His Spirit
when you're too weary to stand.

Feel His gentle but firm
Touch so lovingly applied...
Ever present in the fire
as the clay's purified.

Producing an earthen vessel
shaped by the heavens above...
Until it becomes a priceless work
of God's enduring Love.
"As the clay is in the potter's hand,
so are you in My hand."
Jeremiah 18:6 NLT
The Child You Desire
so are you in My hand."
Jeremiah 18:6 NLT
The Child You Desire