"We are
more than
conquers through Him
that loved us."
Romans 8:37 KJV
Trusting in the Trailblazer
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
For a season beneath the frozen snow covered earth...
Springtime blossoms lay hidden awaiting their rebirth.
So it is when winter winds, blow trials into our life...
Threatening to freeze faiths heart, within its icy grip of strife.
Causing even the steadfast, to lose sight of the trail...
Yet one constant remains, so the devil won't prevail.
For in the midst of the coldest most difficult days...
The warmth of God's "Sonlight", pierces that dark gloomy haze.
If we seek the Savior growing toward the Light above...
Drawing strength from the Father while resting in His Love.
Then guided by His Spirit we won't lose our way...
Despite the devil's attempts to lead us astray.
And while there will be times when winter storms bring doubt...
Relying on His Word will show us the way out.
So be confident, in the "Trailblazer" to make it through...
For He goes before, preparing a way for me and you!
"You can be sure that God will take care
of everything you need."
Philippians 4:19 MSG
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
For a season beneath the frozen snow covered earth...
Springtime blossoms lay hidden awaiting their rebirth.
So it is when winter winds, blow trials into our life...
Threatening to freeze faiths heart, within its icy grip of strife.
Causing even the steadfast, to lose sight of the trail...
Yet one constant remains, so the devil won't prevail.
For in the midst of the coldest most difficult days...
The warmth of God's "Sonlight", pierces that dark gloomy haze.
If we seek the Savior growing toward the Light above...
Drawing strength from the Father while resting in His Love.
Then guided by His Spirit we won't lose our way...
Despite the devil's attempts to lead us astray.
And while there will be times when winter storms bring doubt...
Relying on His Word will show us the way out.
So be confident, in the "Trailblazer" to make it through...
For He goes before, preparing a way for me and you!
"You can be sure that God will take care
of everything you need."
Philippians 4:19 MSG