"Be true to Your name, LORD God!
Show Your great kindness and rescue me."
"For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is wounded within me."
Psalm 109:21 CEV 22 NIV
Jesus Is Lord
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Please help me Father and put an end to this strife...
For this turmoil threatens to tear apart my life.
My heart's full of sorrow and my eyes fill with tears...
As this conflict intensifies all of my fears.
These oppressive dark clouds try to hide Your Light...
Making it difficult to fight the good fight.
My spirit grows weak from sadness and pain...
As I search for the rainbow but find only rain.
For this darkness tries to overwhelm me...
In the hopes I'll stumble and no longer see,
My loving Savior who is always there...
To deliver me from burdens I cannot bear.
So strengthen my faith as I follow Your Son...
Because Jesus is Lord and Thy Will Be Done!
"...I am overwhelmed and desperate,
and You alone know which way I ought to
turn to miss the traps my enemies have set for me."
Psalm 1:42:3 TLB
Show Your great kindness and rescue me."
"For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is wounded within me."
Psalm 109:21 CEV 22 NIV
Jesus Is Lord
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Please help me Father and put an end to this strife...
For this turmoil threatens to tear apart my life.
My heart's full of sorrow and my eyes fill with tears...
As this conflict intensifies all of my fears.
These oppressive dark clouds try to hide Your Light...
Making it difficult to fight the good fight.
My spirit grows weak from sadness and pain...
As I search for the rainbow but find only rain.
For this darkness tries to overwhelm me...
In the hopes I'll stumble and no longer see,
My loving Savior who is always there...
To deliver me from burdens I cannot bear.
So strengthen my faith as I follow Your Son...
Because Jesus is Lord and Thy Will Be Done!
"...I am overwhelmed and desperate,
and You alone know which way I ought to
turn to miss the traps my enemies have set for me."
Psalm 1:42:3 TLB
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