"Direct my footsteps according to Your word."
Psalm 119:133 NIV
"Behold, I pour out My heart to you.
I will make My words known to you."
Proverbs 1:23 TLV
I will make My words known to you."
Proverbs 1:23 TLV
Come, and enter into My Sanctuary of Peace. For in quietness, your soul will be refreshed. Allow Me to enfold you in My Arms, leaving the world and all it's problems behind.
See the verse I've set before you, take a moment to marinate in it, allowing it to saturate your soul.
See the verse I've set before you, take a moment to marinate in it, allowing it to saturate your soul.
"Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am."
Philippians 4:13 MSG
Philippians 4:13 MSG
By sealing this Word in your soul, and engraving it upon your heart, you'll be able to embrace it as your own.
That way; you'll be enabled, to recall it often. Especially in the days ahead. For it's a new pathway I've set your feet upon.
One that will require you, to draw strength from My Word, which will protect you, whenever the enemy draws near.
So remember to armor yourself up each morning, immersing yourself in My Promises daily.
Listen now to My Counsel, let it's wisdom and revelation wash over you.
That way; you'll be enabled, to recall it often. Especially in the days ahead. For it's a new pathway I've set your feet upon.
One that will require you, to draw strength from My Word, which will protect you, whenever the enemy draws near.
So remember to armor yourself up each morning, immersing yourself in My Promises daily.
Listen now to My Counsel, let it's wisdom and revelation wash over you.
"I will not cause pain without allowing
something new to be born, says the Lord."
Isaiah 66:9 NCV
Transition's Gate Has Opened
Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Those who feel tired and worn out will find new
life and energy, and when they sleep they
will wake up refreshed."
Jeremiah 31:25-26 CEV
Oh faithful ones who from My Will do not depart...
Rest assured you are loved and held close to My Heart.
For waiting, listening, and desiring to obey...
My Presence and Glory - will be felt each time you pray.
For what's released in the heavens, will soon be seen on earth...
In the form of Renewed Hope, Abundant Life and New Birth!
Yet; Spiritual Alignment is vital and necessary...
To bring on Labor, Transition and then Delivery.
So be prepared, stay alert, and you'll overcome...
Breaking the chains of strongholds, and gaining freedom.
By persevering through Christ - in this birthing hour...
Drawing strength - from My Spirit's Resurrection Power!
So move forward in Me, and you'll see the enemy retreat...
As you walk in My Light - I'll pierce any darkness you meet.
For Transition's Gate has opened, to all those that abide...
See it's lighted threshold, come join Me on the other side.
something new to be born, says the Lord."
Isaiah 66:9 NCV
Transition's Gate Has Opened
Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"Those who feel tired and worn out will find new
life and energy, and when they sleep they
will wake up refreshed."
Jeremiah 31:25-26 CEV
Oh faithful ones who from My Will do not depart...
Rest assured you are loved and held close to My Heart.
For waiting, listening, and desiring to obey...
My Presence and Glory - will be felt each time you pray.
For what's released in the heavens, will soon be seen on earth...
In the form of Renewed Hope, Abundant Life and New Birth!
Yet; Spiritual Alignment is vital and necessary...
To bring on Labor, Transition and then Delivery.
So be prepared, stay alert, and you'll overcome...
Breaking the chains of strongholds, and gaining freedom.
By persevering through Christ - in this birthing hour...
Drawing strength - from My Spirit's Resurrection Power!
So move forward in Me, and you'll see the enemy retreat...
As you walk in My Light - I'll pierce any darkness you meet.
For Transition's Gate has opened, to all those that abide...
See it's lighted threshold, come join Me on the other side.
"No eye has seen no ear has heard, no mind has conceived
what God prepared for those who love Him - But
God has revealed it to us by His Spirit."
1Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV
what God prepared for those who love Him - But
God has revealed it to us by His Spirit."
1Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV