"Send forth Your Light and Your Truth,
and let them guide me."
Psalm 43:3 NIV
From Darkness Into Light
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
He awakened my spirit and said, "Come follow Me"...
So I took His out stretched Hand and let Him set me free.
Willingly I received inviting Him in...
Where I was transformed and forgiven of sin.
He then explained His Plan for me with one main goal...
That I love Him with all my strength, heart, mind and soul!
In return He promised I would never be alone...
For in times of darkness a lighted path I'd be shown.
Yet; while I was transformed just like the butterfly...
Rebirth wasn't easy for one's flesh has to die.
Complete transformation doesn't happen overnight...
Old wounds remained and past wrongs needed to be made right.
Where once I was blind His Truth and Wisdom gave me sight...
For those dark places of my heart were now bathed in light.
Areas of sinfulness were now revealed...
Exposing satan's lies so I could be healed.
While healing might be painful it's nothing to fear...
For our Savior draws close and will remain near.
Guiding us with His Spirit and through His Word...
Faithfully instructing us until we've heard.
So allow Him to walk through the chambers of your heart...
Lighting up the darkness and giving you a fresh start.
For when we're freed from strongholds, our life begins anew...
Enabling us to be more like Him, in all we do.
"I have come into the world as a light, so that
no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness."
John 12:46 NIV
and let them guide me."
Psalm 43:3 NIV
From Darkness Into Light
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
He awakened my spirit and said, "Come follow Me"...
So I took His out stretched Hand and let Him set me free.
Willingly I received inviting Him in...
Where I was transformed and forgiven of sin.
He then explained His Plan for me with one main goal...
That I love Him with all my strength, heart, mind and soul!
In return He promised I would never be alone...
For in times of darkness a lighted path I'd be shown.
Yet; while I was transformed just like the butterfly...
Rebirth wasn't easy for one's flesh has to die.
Complete transformation doesn't happen overnight...
Old wounds remained and past wrongs needed to be made right.
Where once I was blind His Truth and Wisdom gave me sight...
For those dark places of my heart were now bathed in light.
Areas of sinfulness were now revealed...
Exposing satan's lies so I could be healed.
While healing might be painful it's nothing to fear...
For our Savior draws close and will remain near.
Guiding us with His Spirit and through His Word...
Faithfully instructing us until we've heard.
So allow Him to walk through the chambers of your heart...
Lighting up the darkness and giving you a fresh start.
For when we're freed from strongholds, our life begins anew...
Enabling us to be more like Him, in all we do.
"I have come into the world as a light, so that
no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness."
John 12:46 NIV
Precious Savior, thank you for dying so that I might live. For paying a debt
I could never pay, so that my sins could be forgiven, and I would one day
share eternity with You. Amen.
I could never pay, so that my sins could be forgiven, and I would one day
share eternity with You. Amen.