The Power of Love
"There was never a time in all eternity
when we were not loved by GOD."
Jack Winter
when we were not loved by GOD."
Jack Winter
"Live a life of love..."
Ephesians 5:2 NIV
Ephesians 5:2 NIV
"There is only one
in this life,
to LOVE and be
George Sand
"Lifelong happiness does not come from
the love of power,
but from the power of love."
A. M. Wells
the love of power,
but from the power of love."
A. M. Wells
True LOVE means
sticking TOGETHER, no matter what!
sticking TOGETHER, no matter what!
"The best
to hold onto in
Audrey Hepburn
"When the power of LOVE overcomes the
love of power, the world will know PEACE!"
Jimi Hendrix paraphrasing Sri Chinmoy
You will FOREVER be my ALWAYS!
"Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply
gives you courage."
Lao Tzu
gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply
gives you courage."
Lao Tzu
"A baby is born with a need to be loved -
and never outgrows it."
Frank A. Clark
and never outgrows it."
Frank A. Clark
"They invented hugs to let people know
you LOVE them
without saying anything."
Bil Keane
Safe and Protected
you LOVE them
without saying anything."
Bil Keane
Safe and Protected