Horsing Around by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
"We celebrated with laughter and joyful songs."
Psalm 126:2 CEV
Psalm 126:2 CEV

"If you can learn to laugh in spite of the circumstances that surround you, you will enrich others, enrich yourself, and more than that, you will last."
Barbara Johnson
Barbara Johnson

each other
as I have
loved you."
John 15:12 NIV

"Always let Him
lead you
and He will clear the road for you to follow."
Proverbs 3:6 CEV
"May all your roads lead back to those who love you!"
Kathie Iselin
Kathie Iselin

"Greet one another with
a kiss of love."
1 Peter 5:14 NKJV
Reflect on this...
If you died tomorrow the company you work for would eventually find a replacement.
However; to the family and friends you leave behind, you are irreplaceable!
Contemplate that a moment. Then go make some memories with those you love, spending some quality time "horsing around"!
Click on Happy Trails to complete this destination.
If you died tomorrow the company you work for would eventually find a replacement.
However; to the family and friends you leave behind, you are irreplaceable!
Contemplate that a moment. Then go make some memories with those you love, spending some quality time "horsing around"!
Click on Happy Trails to complete this destination.