A Hugs and Tugs Parable

Hidden Gift
by Kathie Iselin ©
"Come before
Him with
thankful hearts."
Psalm 95:2 TLB
It was a beautiful spring day with a gentle breeze blowing. The air was filled with that familiar scent after it rains. I rolled down the car window and let the sunshine and warm air caress my face, enjoying the moment. Finally spring was here after such a long, cold, winter.
My finals were over, and school was finally out. And I was going to enjoy the moment.
As I drove down the road breathing in the freshness and admiring the countryside, my spirits began to lift. Soon I'd be driving over an old covered bridge into the little town of Faith.
More of a hollow than a town, it was nestled in the mountains of West Virginia where my Grandma lived.
Her name was Grace Goodspeed, and she'd grown up in Faith. Now at the age of eighty she had carved out a name and reputation for herself.
Particularly in the Appalachian mountain area. Even the governor had enjoyed her hospitality, advice, and a cup of her famous rose petal tea.
Well known for her rose gardens and respected for her wisdom, Grace was loved by all who met her. So it was no surprise that everyone knew her as Grandma Grace and sought her out frequently. I admired and loved her as well and was delighted to have been named after her.
Grandma Grace, lived in a quaint victorian, she called "Rose Cottage".
Her property while modest in size had one of the most beautiful rose gardens I'd ever seen.
Fragrant blooms and bushes of every color and variety covered the house, fence and grounds. Not only pleasing to the senses but her garden was profitable too.
Raised during the depression, Grace had learned to survive on little; while making that little go a long way. Using old family recipes, she made tea, soap and potpourri from her roses, as well as selling beautiful bouquets and arrangements.
Many a summer vacation had been spent at Rose Cottage, working and learning the art of soap making and potpourri. As a business major, I was now teaching grandmother something.
Thanks to the internet we'd expanded and increased our sales. Business was booming and together we made quite a team. As I look back, I recall how excited and happy I'd been. Was it only last summer, that my life had been like grandma's garden; filled with "Sunshine and Roses"? Until that cold day in March, brought dark clouds and utter despair.
Since it was closer for me, to drive straight from college, to Rose Cottage, my parent's said to go on ahead. We'd all meet later that day, to share and celebrate Easter together.
I'd just driven into the driveway as the sheriff's car pulled up behind me. One look at Ben's face and my heart sank, for this was no social call.
As I looked towards the house I was initially relieved to see grandma had just come out onto the porch.
However; my happiness was short lived as Ben explained there'd been a bad accident. Tears began to fill my eyes as I remembered that day. How Ben had tried to comfort and console us as best he could. After explaining a drunk driver had killed both my parents.
After Ben left; Grandma held me close and gently shared how she'd walked this road before. God had given her the strength to go on then and He'd be faithful now. They just needed to let go of the "whys" and trust that even if they didn't understand, God did and that they weren't alone in all this.
For Grace Goodspeed, was no stranger to sorrow and grief. Her husband had been killed in action during World War II, leaving her a young widow and three months pregnant.
Yet; she'd managed to survive by looking past the heartache and into the eyes of her Lord and Savior.
Now months later; even though grandma had lost her only child and cherished son-in-law, she still found something to be grateful for. Her namesake and granddaughter had been spared. For it was indeed God's Grace, that she hadn't been riding with her parents that day.
While others may think she'd been dealt another cruel hand, grandma chose to see things from another perspective. Having learned that without the rain one can't experience the rainbow. So she chose to search for those brilliant hues of color, rather than focus on the dark clouds.
She explained; that over time the pain would become less intense, and that with love, faith and hope, the wounds would begin to heal.
So I returned to college to finish my last semester. And grandma Grace went back to doing what she did best. Share Godly Wisdom, make soap, tea and potpourri.
I on the other hand wasn't there yet. I definitely lacked her faith and positive outlook but so desired to experience what grandma had. Such peace in the midst of so much turmoil, it could only come, like she said, by having an intimate walk with her Lord and Savior.
Sleepy from the drive and lost in my thoughts I almost missed Victory Lane. Turning off the main road I smiled; recalling grandma's story about how she and grandpa had found this house.
Home on leave and wanting some time alone they'd decided to drive into the mountains. It was fall and the countryside was a beautiful patchwork of colors. So for a time, this newly married couple could forget about the war and enjoy this peaceful moment together.
When they noticed the little road said Victory Lane, they saw it as a sign of good will. Giving them hope that soon the war would be over and they could begin their lives anew.
As they drove down the road past an old house, which was a real fixer upper, it was love at first sight. Despite the shabby appearance and all the work, when they noticed the for sale sign, they began to pray. Perhaps one day, God would bless them with the means to buy this little piece of heaven. So together they dreamed and discussed plans on how they'd restore the property and the gardens.
Sadly; Teddy never came home to share in the dream but he had taken out an insurance policy before leaving, to insure that dream. So grandma Grace bought Rose Cottage claiming the "victory", for she and her little daughter, had survived!
If her grandma could do it and survive, could she? What was it that was missing? What kept preventing her from feeling victorious over all this hurt? And why was she still carrying around this awful burden of emptiness?
Perhaps some of Grandma Grace's famous rose tea and wisdom, would help lift her heavy heart. For now she was just relieved to be home.
She barely got the car parked, and there was grandma, running from the garden arms open wide. "Oh, Gracie girl, I've missed you so much." Grandma said hugging her teary eyed namesake.
"I've missed you too." Gracie said. It's been really hard these last couple months and without your calls and letters, I don't think I'd have graduated. Several of my professors suggested I take some time off. But I just wanted to get my finals over with. Besides all the studying was one way of escaping the pain." Gracie said, sighing.
"It's hard I know Sweetie but you're here now and we still have each other to hold on to. Together we'll get through this, just like together we learned how to start a business on the internet!" Grandma Grace said, smiling mischievously.
"What are you up to now?" Gracie asked, recognizing that delightful sparkle in her grandma's eyes. One that happened every time she couldn't wait to share a new idea.
"You'll never believe it, but we have a hot seller on our hands. A real winner, that's simply shocking!" Grandma exclaimed with child-like enthusiasm. "And what's more, I'm even recycling so that environmental side of yours, will be thrilled at this new product line. Crazy as it is." She chuckled.
Intrigued, Gracie asked. "So is it a new fragrance of soap or potpourri? Oh I know; it's that new flavor of tea you've been experimenting with." "Nope. It's an arrangement I call my "Thanks and Praise bouquet". Grandma replied mysteriously.
"That's just wonderful, Grandma I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see it." Gracie said excitedly. "Well you're about to find out, because here's a customer to pick one up now." Grandma replied.
"Hi Kevin, how's Kris?" Grandma inquired. "Better than ever, got my order ready yet?" Kevin asked. "Just need to box it yet. This here's my granddaughter and business partner Gracie. You two go on into the greenhouse and chat while I get your order. There's a nice big old bench back there. So sit a spell and enjoy all the flowers." Grandma, said.
"That Grandmother of yours sure is creative. Always heard tell what a wise one she was. Now I can attest to that fact." Kevin said with a twinkle in his eye. Before Gracie had a chance to reply, they'd reached the greenhouse. As they entered, she savored the earthy aroma, mixed with the floral fragrances.
As they headed for the benches, she noticed a work table off to the side. On it were a dozen bud vases filled with what appeared to be thorny stems. "What on earth are those?" Gracie exclaimed in shocked surprise. "Don't tell me, let me guess. These are grandma's new "Thanks and Praise" bouquets." Gracing said laughing.
"Sure are." Her grandmother said as she walked in carrying a white box, with a big pink bow, and rose sticker on it.
"This is your new hot seller, a long-stemmed rose with the flower cut off?" "I can't believe it. Why would any one in their right mind want to buy a rose without the bloom? Oops, sorry Kevin I didn't mean to insult you but you must admit it is rather bazaar?" Gracie replied.
"No offense taken. At first I was just as skeptical. Truth be told, I came by to purchase some flowers for my wife. While I was back in the green house browsing a woman came to order one of Grandma Grace's new "Thanks and Praise" bouquets. Saying how it was her third order and all the recipients were thrilled at her creativity.
Not wanting to be left out, I told her I'd like one as well. Imagine my shock when I watched wide eyed, as she proceeded to cut the heads of the roses off. Then I almost choked, as she began arranging the thorny stems. Poor old woman I thought, dementia, must be setting in."
Keven said, as he and grandma both burst out laughing.
"Kind soul that she is, taking pity on me, she began explaining the meaning behind each piece. And I must say it touched my heart." Kevin replied. Giving grandma, a big smile and knowing look.
"You see, the intent behind the bouquet is to get one to try and see the beauty in adversity. You do that when you begin to look at life from a Godly Perspective. Realizing that just as the rose has soft petals and thorns; our life is made up of the good and the painful; as well. Everything's all joined together, making us who we are. And by the way, those arrangements on the table, aren't finished yet. When you see the final touches Grace adds, you'll be a believer in the "Thanks and Praise" bouquet as well." Kevin said, with a confident nod to her Grandma.
"That's right." Grace replied. "The idea came to me after the funeral was over and you'd left. I came out to the greenhouse feeling lonely and needing to occupy my mind. Praying that God would ease my heavy heart. Since I needed more petals for a batch of tea I was making, I began to cut some fresh flowers. Once I had the petals removed, I was about to throw the thorny stems away, when a thought hit me." She said.
"Throughout the ups and downs of our lives, it's so much easier to thank God for all the roses. Yet; how many times have we thanked Him for the thorns?" Grandma said. "So I took out one of our new heart shaped bud vases. It was so perfect, since the heart has long been a symbol of love and I wanted this arrangement to represent God's unconditional Love." Grandma said with a far away look in her eyes.
" Next I filled the bottom with opal colored stones to give it weight and hold the stems in place. I liked the way the light reflected off the stones giving them a soft rainbow color. Reminding me of God's faithful Promises." She continued.
"Taking one long stem rose, I cut it in two pieces so that one would be taller than the other. Illustrating that God's Way's are higher than our ways. So there will be difficult times in life we just don't understand.
Yet; like those two pieces of stem which were really one so we are one with Christ." Grandma explained.
"And it is in that oneness, God enables us to endure the trials. As I anchored the stems into the stones, I realized the symbolism of being anchored to our Rock. And the importance of being grounded in His Word. Just like the stems were now anchored and grounded in the little stones, enabling them to be strengthened so they could stand. Which is just what happens to us when life's trials cut us down." She said firmly.
"We need to have our roots deeply anchored, within our Savior if we are to survive. So while the thorns represent hardship they also symbolize victory, reminding me I'd eventually survived many a trial, by being anchored to my Rock. Stronger for having persevered, with an increased faith and deeper walk." Grandma explained.
"Now for the finishing touch to the vase. Taking a silk rose bud, for beauty and a few sprigs of greenery representing life, I attached it to the front of the heart. Then a small white dove to represent hope, completed the arrangement. For our faith gives us hope for a better tomorrow." Grandma stated confidently, as she opened the box for Gracie and Kevin to see and admire. For the finished product was truly a creative work of art.
"It's beautiful grandma, I just love it, and you!" This arrangement has helped me to see things differently now. Leave it to you to creatively share what you have learned." Gracie said hugging her grandma.
"Just like when you shared the promise found in the twenty third Psalm. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Pointing out that it says, we walk through the valley, we don't camp there! So we truly are victors NOT victims, because Jesus has gone before and won the battle!" Gracie said with a new conviction in her voice.
"And that is certainly something to be grateful for. As well as His Promise NEVER to leave or forsake us. So together we can make it through those valleys." Gracie's grandma added.
"This is just incredible grandma; what a unique and loving way to remind us how important it is, to "Thank Him for the roses and Praise Him for the thorns! What a wise woman you are and what a compassionate God we serve!" Gracie said as joy began to replace that horrible heaviness in her heart.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV
My finals were over, and school was finally out. And I was going to enjoy the moment.
As I drove down the road breathing in the freshness and admiring the countryside, my spirits began to lift. Soon I'd be driving over an old covered bridge into the little town of Faith.
More of a hollow than a town, it was nestled in the mountains of West Virginia where my Grandma lived.
Her name was Grace Goodspeed, and she'd grown up in Faith. Now at the age of eighty she had carved out a name and reputation for herself.
Particularly in the Appalachian mountain area. Even the governor had enjoyed her hospitality, advice, and a cup of her famous rose petal tea.
Well known for her rose gardens and respected for her wisdom, Grace was loved by all who met her. So it was no surprise that everyone knew her as Grandma Grace and sought her out frequently. I admired and loved her as well and was delighted to have been named after her.
Grandma Grace, lived in a quaint victorian, she called "Rose Cottage".
Her property while modest in size had one of the most beautiful rose gardens I'd ever seen.
Fragrant blooms and bushes of every color and variety covered the house, fence and grounds. Not only pleasing to the senses but her garden was profitable too.
Raised during the depression, Grace had learned to survive on little; while making that little go a long way. Using old family recipes, she made tea, soap and potpourri from her roses, as well as selling beautiful bouquets and arrangements.
Many a summer vacation had been spent at Rose Cottage, working and learning the art of soap making and potpourri. As a business major, I was now teaching grandmother something.
Thanks to the internet we'd expanded and increased our sales. Business was booming and together we made quite a team. As I look back, I recall how excited and happy I'd been. Was it only last summer, that my life had been like grandma's garden; filled with "Sunshine and Roses"? Until that cold day in March, brought dark clouds and utter despair.
Since it was closer for me, to drive straight from college, to Rose Cottage, my parent's said to go on ahead. We'd all meet later that day, to share and celebrate Easter together.
I'd just driven into the driveway as the sheriff's car pulled up behind me. One look at Ben's face and my heart sank, for this was no social call.
As I looked towards the house I was initially relieved to see grandma had just come out onto the porch.
However; my happiness was short lived as Ben explained there'd been a bad accident. Tears began to fill my eyes as I remembered that day. How Ben had tried to comfort and console us as best he could. After explaining a drunk driver had killed both my parents.
After Ben left; Grandma held me close and gently shared how she'd walked this road before. God had given her the strength to go on then and He'd be faithful now. They just needed to let go of the "whys" and trust that even if they didn't understand, God did and that they weren't alone in all this.
For Grace Goodspeed, was no stranger to sorrow and grief. Her husband had been killed in action during World War II, leaving her a young widow and three months pregnant.
Yet; she'd managed to survive by looking past the heartache and into the eyes of her Lord and Savior.
Now months later; even though grandma had lost her only child and cherished son-in-law, she still found something to be grateful for. Her namesake and granddaughter had been spared. For it was indeed God's Grace, that she hadn't been riding with her parents that day.
While others may think she'd been dealt another cruel hand, grandma chose to see things from another perspective. Having learned that without the rain one can't experience the rainbow. So she chose to search for those brilliant hues of color, rather than focus on the dark clouds.
She explained; that over time the pain would become less intense, and that with love, faith and hope, the wounds would begin to heal.
So I returned to college to finish my last semester. And grandma Grace went back to doing what she did best. Share Godly Wisdom, make soap, tea and potpourri.
I on the other hand wasn't there yet. I definitely lacked her faith and positive outlook but so desired to experience what grandma had. Such peace in the midst of so much turmoil, it could only come, like she said, by having an intimate walk with her Lord and Savior.
Sleepy from the drive and lost in my thoughts I almost missed Victory Lane. Turning off the main road I smiled; recalling grandma's story about how she and grandpa had found this house.
Home on leave and wanting some time alone they'd decided to drive into the mountains. It was fall and the countryside was a beautiful patchwork of colors. So for a time, this newly married couple could forget about the war and enjoy this peaceful moment together.
When they noticed the little road said Victory Lane, they saw it as a sign of good will. Giving them hope that soon the war would be over and they could begin their lives anew.
As they drove down the road past an old house, which was a real fixer upper, it was love at first sight. Despite the shabby appearance and all the work, when they noticed the for sale sign, they began to pray. Perhaps one day, God would bless them with the means to buy this little piece of heaven. So together they dreamed and discussed plans on how they'd restore the property and the gardens.
Sadly; Teddy never came home to share in the dream but he had taken out an insurance policy before leaving, to insure that dream. So grandma Grace bought Rose Cottage claiming the "victory", for she and her little daughter, had survived!
If her grandma could do it and survive, could she? What was it that was missing? What kept preventing her from feeling victorious over all this hurt? And why was she still carrying around this awful burden of emptiness?
Perhaps some of Grandma Grace's famous rose tea and wisdom, would help lift her heavy heart. For now she was just relieved to be home.
She barely got the car parked, and there was grandma, running from the garden arms open wide. "Oh, Gracie girl, I've missed you so much." Grandma said hugging her teary eyed namesake.
"I've missed you too." Gracie said. It's been really hard these last couple months and without your calls and letters, I don't think I'd have graduated. Several of my professors suggested I take some time off. But I just wanted to get my finals over with. Besides all the studying was one way of escaping the pain." Gracie said, sighing.
"It's hard I know Sweetie but you're here now and we still have each other to hold on to. Together we'll get through this, just like together we learned how to start a business on the internet!" Grandma Grace said, smiling mischievously.
"What are you up to now?" Gracie asked, recognizing that delightful sparkle in her grandma's eyes. One that happened every time she couldn't wait to share a new idea.
"You'll never believe it, but we have a hot seller on our hands. A real winner, that's simply shocking!" Grandma exclaimed with child-like enthusiasm. "And what's more, I'm even recycling so that environmental side of yours, will be thrilled at this new product line. Crazy as it is." She chuckled.
Intrigued, Gracie asked. "So is it a new fragrance of soap or potpourri? Oh I know; it's that new flavor of tea you've been experimenting with." "Nope. It's an arrangement I call my "Thanks and Praise bouquet". Grandma replied mysteriously.
"That's just wonderful, Grandma I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see it." Gracie said excitedly. "Well you're about to find out, because here's a customer to pick one up now." Grandma replied.
"Hi Kevin, how's Kris?" Grandma inquired. "Better than ever, got my order ready yet?" Kevin asked. "Just need to box it yet. This here's my granddaughter and business partner Gracie. You two go on into the greenhouse and chat while I get your order. There's a nice big old bench back there. So sit a spell and enjoy all the flowers." Grandma, said.
"That Grandmother of yours sure is creative. Always heard tell what a wise one she was. Now I can attest to that fact." Kevin said with a twinkle in his eye. Before Gracie had a chance to reply, they'd reached the greenhouse. As they entered, she savored the earthy aroma, mixed with the floral fragrances.
As they headed for the benches, she noticed a work table off to the side. On it were a dozen bud vases filled with what appeared to be thorny stems. "What on earth are those?" Gracie exclaimed in shocked surprise. "Don't tell me, let me guess. These are grandma's new "Thanks and Praise" bouquets." Gracing said laughing.
"Sure are." Her grandmother said as she walked in carrying a white box, with a big pink bow, and rose sticker on it.
"This is your new hot seller, a long-stemmed rose with the flower cut off?" "I can't believe it. Why would any one in their right mind want to buy a rose without the bloom? Oops, sorry Kevin I didn't mean to insult you but you must admit it is rather bazaar?" Gracie replied.
"No offense taken. At first I was just as skeptical. Truth be told, I came by to purchase some flowers for my wife. While I was back in the green house browsing a woman came to order one of Grandma Grace's new "Thanks and Praise" bouquets. Saying how it was her third order and all the recipients were thrilled at her creativity.
Not wanting to be left out, I told her I'd like one as well. Imagine my shock when I watched wide eyed, as she proceeded to cut the heads of the roses off. Then I almost choked, as she began arranging the thorny stems. Poor old woman I thought, dementia, must be setting in."
Keven said, as he and grandma both burst out laughing.
"Kind soul that she is, taking pity on me, she began explaining the meaning behind each piece. And I must say it touched my heart." Kevin replied. Giving grandma, a big smile and knowing look.
"You see, the intent behind the bouquet is to get one to try and see the beauty in adversity. You do that when you begin to look at life from a Godly Perspective. Realizing that just as the rose has soft petals and thorns; our life is made up of the good and the painful; as well. Everything's all joined together, making us who we are. And by the way, those arrangements on the table, aren't finished yet. When you see the final touches Grace adds, you'll be a believer in the "Thanks and Praise" bouquet as well." Kevin said, with a confident nod to her Grandma.
"That's right." Grace replied. "The idea came to me after the funeral was over and you'd left. I came out to the greenhouse feeling lonely and needing to occupy my mind. Praying that God would ease my heavy heart. Since I needed more petals for a batch of tea I was making, I began to cut some fresh flowers. Once I had the petals removed, I was about to throw the thorny stems away, when a thought hit me." She said.
"Throughout the ups and downs of our lives, it's so much easier to thank God for all the roses. Yet; how many times have we thanked Him for the thorns?" Grandma said. "So I took out one of our new heart shaped bud vases. It was so perfect, since the heart has long been a symbol of love and I wanted this arrangement to represent God's unconditional Love." Grandma said with a far away look in her eyes.
" Next I filled the bottom with opal colored stones to give it weight and hold the stems in place. I liked the way the light reflected off the stones giving them a soft rainbow color. Reminding me of God's faithful Promises." She continued.
"Taking one long stem rose, I cut it in two pieces so that one would be taller than the other. Illustrating that God's Way's are higher than our ways. So there will be difficult times in life we just don't understand.
Yet; like those two pieces of stem which were really one so we are one with Christ." Grandma explained.
"And it is in that oneness, God enables us to endure the trials. As I anchored the stems into the stones, I realized the symbolism of being anchored to our Rock. And the importance of being grounded in His Word. Just like the stems were now anchored and grounded in the little stones, enabling them to be strengthened so they could stand. Which is just what happens to us when life's trials cut us down." She said firmly.
"We need to have our roots deeply anchored, within our Savior if we are to survive. So while the thorns represent hardship they also symbolize victory, reminding me I'd eventually survived many a trial, by being anchored to my Rock. Stronger for having persevered, with an increased faith and deeper walk." Grandma explained.
"Now for the finishing touch to the vase. Taking a silk rose bud, for beauty and a few sprigs of greenery representing life, I attached it to the front of the heart. Then a small white dove to represent hope, completed the arrangement. For our faith gives us hope for a better tomorrow." Grandma stated confidently, as she opened the box for Gracie and Kevin to see and admire. For the finished product was truly a creative work of art.
"It's beautiful grandma, I just love it, and you!" This arrangement has helped me to see things differently now. Leave it to you to creatively share what you have learned." Gracie said hugging her grandma.
"Just like when you shared the promise found in the twenty third Psalm. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." Pointing out that it says, we walk through the valley, we don't camp there! So we truly are victors NOT victims, because Jesus has gone before and won the battle!" Gracie said with a new conviction in her voice.
"And that is certainly something to be grateful for. As well as His Promise NEVER to leave or forsake us. So together we can make it through those valleys." Gracie's grandma added.
"This is just incredible grandma; what a unique and loving way to remind us how important it is, to "Thank Him for the roses and Praise Him for the thorns! What a wise woman you are and what a compassionate God we serve!" Gracie said as joy began to replace that horrible heaviness in her heart.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV
After Papa God inspired this story, He blessed me with this poem.
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name. For the Lord is good and His Love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."
Psalm 100:4, 5 NIV
With a Grateful Heart
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Thank Him for all the wonderful sun shiny days...
For fragrant gardens and beautiful bouquets.
But let us not forget the thorns in our life...
The trials we survived and those tough days of strife.
May we remember to give Him thanks for those too...
For it was during times of hardship - that we grew.
In our confidence of Him and also our trust...
In our faith, hope, and love - which are also a must.
All of these key elements are nurtured and grow...
For only in the furnace can the Lord show,
The beauty of adversity when all is done...
For refinement is needed to join Christ as one.
So praise Him for all your sunshine and flowers...
Those beautiful roses and happy hours...
But remember also - that each rose has its thorns...
Which enhance the beauty - of the bloom it adorns.
So enter His Presence - with a grateful heart each day...
Filled with thanksgiving for everything that comes your way.
Realizing that perseverance is our reward...
As well as the comfort - we receive from our Lord.
"I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble so
I can rescue you, and you can give Me glory."
Psalm 50:14,15 TLB
Psalm 100:4, 5 NIV
With a Grateful Heart
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Thank Him for all the wonderful sun shiny days...
For fragrant gardens and beautiful bouquets.
But let us not forget the thorns in our life...
The trials we survived and those tough days of strife.
May we remember to give Him thanks for those too...
For it was during times of hardship - that we grew.
In our confidence of Him and also our trust...
In our faith, hope, and love - which are also a must.
All of these key elements are nurtured and grow...
For only in the furnace can the Lord show,
The beauty of adversity when all is done...
For refinement is needed to join Christ as one.
So praise Him for all your sunshine and flowers...
Those beautiful roses and happy hours...
But remember also - that each rose has its thorns...
Which enhance the beauty - of the bloom it adorns.
So enter His Presence - with a grateful heart each day...
Filled with thanksgiving for everything that comes your way.
Realizing that perseverance is our reward...
As well as the comfort - we receive from our Lord.
"I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble so
I can rescue you, and you can give Me glory."
Psalm 50:14,15 TLB