"Your kindness and love are as vast as the heavens.
Your faithfulness is higher than the skies."
Psalm 57:10 NIV
Kneel Down and Look Up
A Warfare Prayer
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Since Jesus is my Lord and Savior...
“He that is in me is greater than
he that is in the world”.
(1 John 4:4)
So I will NOT allow _______ (say name) to frustrate,
hinder or hurt me through their actions. Nor will I let
difficult situations control my emotions. For you've promised...
"No weapon formed against me
shall prevail or prosper."
(Isaiah 54:17)
If there is a sin area I need to recognize, acknowledge
and confess, please reveal it to me now.
(Once you know proceed)
Dear Abba Father, lead me away from the devil's temptation.
By delivering me from the sin of __________ (name it).
For I humbly confess and repent this day, desiring Your
Forgiveness as You cleanse, purify and consume my heart.
For I'm laying everything and everyone shared thus far,
at Your Feet. Refusing to allow Satan a foothold in my life.
“...Pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith.”
1 Timothy 6:11,12
With Your Word sealed in my heart, I will pursue
righteousness. By avoiding sin and choosing
not to react in anger, or unforgiveness. Especially when
Satan tries to use loved ones, friends or any individual against me.
Instead I will claim the victory through Jesus Christ.
Remembering to walk in LOVE and not the flesh,
by kneeling down and looking up,
praying that God enable me to be an over comer
by His Grace and through the power
of the Holy Spirit! AMEN!
“Those who obey His commands live in Him,
and He in them. And this is how we know
that He lives in us; we know by the
Spirit He gave us.”
1 John 3:24 NIV
This ends the section of Spiritual Insight may we suggest...
Tuck in Time
A Warfare Prayer
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
Since Jesus is my Lord and Savior...
“He that is in me is greater than
he that is in the world”.
(1 John 4:4)
So I will NOT allow _______ (say name) to frustrate,
hinder or hurt me through their actions. Nor will I let
difficult situations control my emotions. For you've promised...
"No weapon formed against me
shall prevail or prosper."
(Isaiah 54:17)
If there is a sin area I need to recognize, acknowledge
and confess, please reveal it to me now.
(Once you know proceed)
Dear Abba Father, lead me away from the devil's temptation.
By delivering me from the sin of __________ (name it).
For I humbly confess and repent this day, desiring Your
Forgiveness as You cleanse, purify and consume my heart.
For I'm laying everything and everyone shared thus far,
at Your Feet. Refusing to allow Satan a foothold in my life.
“...Pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith.”
1 Timothy 6:11,12
With Your Word sealed in my heart, I will pursue
righteousness. By avoiding sin and choosing
not to react in anger, or unforgiveness. Especially when
Satan tries to use loved ones, friends or any individual against me.
Instead I will claim the victory through Jesus Christ.
Remembering to walk in LOVE and not the flesh,
by kneeling down and looking up,
praying that God enable me to be an over comer
by His Grace and through the power
of the Holy Spirit! AMEN!
“Those who obey His commands live in Him,
and He in them. And this is how we know
that He lives in us; we know by the
Spirit He gave us.”
1 John 3:24 NIV
This ends the section of Spiritual Insight may we suggest...
Tuck in Time