"Treat others
as you want them
to treat you."
Luke 6:31 TLB
The Tea Pot
by Kathie Iselin © fromPapaGod.com
It has always been to Satan's advantage and evil desire...
To stir the pot by adding fuel to life's emotional fire.
Remember that and it will enable you to make the right choice...
To walk in love and not the flesh, when faced with an angry voice.
You'll also defeat the Devil and put a smile on your face...
Each time you use this secret to extend Christ-like Love and Grace.
To cool down situations that have grown angry and hot...
Picture those who've reached the boiling point as a "tea pot"!
For when the whistling tea kettle begins to boil you see...
There is a vital need to let off steam most urgently.
So it is in our lives, when nerve-wracking ordeals come our way...
Sadly though we can hurt the ones we love, by the things we say.
Especially when stressful pressures we've tried to hide...
Have slowly simmered until they boil up inside.
Then all the pent up frustration and pain comes pouring out...
And therein lies the secret to the kettle's whistling spout.
So the next time if in anger someone lashes out at you...
Recall the tea pot comparison for a fresh point of view.
Realizing; that hurting others wasn't the true intent...
For like the kettle; they just needed to blow off steam and vent!
"Do not condemn, and you
will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven."
Luke 6:37 NIV
Discovering the Power