"...Pay attention to what I say; listen closely to My words.
Do not let them out of your sight keep them within
your heart; for they are life to those who find them
and health to a mans whole body."
Proverbs 4:20-22 NIV
Believe it and Apply it
by Kathie Iselin © frompapagod.com
In this fallen world, filled with so much evil and strife...
Remember, guard your heart for it's the wellspring of life!
For the words of a man's mouth, are deep waters...
So beware and take heed, oh sons and daughters.
By seeking understanding, you'll hunger and thirst...
For wisdom and knowledge, that will put Jesus first.
So start writing, God's Word on your heart, mind and soul...
Learning to trust, in His Promises as your life's goal.
Then the Truth will always produce life and health in you...
As you believe it and apply it in all you do.
For Satan's defeated and flees away...
When you recall, and claim Scripture each day.
You'll also, overome the Devil's battle plan...
If you fear the Lord, over failure and mere man.
Singing and praising, in all circumstances as well...
Makes it clear, you're not buying what Satan has to sell.
Then believing, without a doubt Christ remains steadfast...
You'll discover, even the toughest problems won't last.
For relying on Jesus, who knows what you can't bear...
Shifts the burden, to His Shoulders when life isn't fair!
"You are my hiding place and my shield.
My hope is based on your word."
Psalm 119:114 GWT
Do not let them out of your sight keep them within
your heart; for they are life to those who find them
and health to a mans whole body."
Proverbs 4:20-22 NIV
Believe it and Apply it
by Kathie Iselin © frompapagod.com
In this fallen world, filled with so much evil and strife...
Remember, guard your heart for it's the wellspring of life!
For the words of a man's mouth, are deep waters...
So beware and take heed, oh sons and daughters.
By seeking understanding, you'll hunger and thirst...
For wisdom and knowledge, that will put Jesus first.
So start writing, God's Word on your heart, mind and soul...
Learning to trust, in His Promises as your life's goal.
Then the Truth will always produce life and health in you...
As you believe it and apply it in all you do.
For Satan's defeated and flees away...
When you recall, and claim Scripture each day.
You'll also, overome the Devil's battle plan...
If you fear the Lord, over failure and mere man.
Singing and praising, in all circumstances as well...
Makes it clear, you're not buying what Satan has to sell.
Then believing, without a doubt Christ remains steadfast...
You'll discover, even the toughest problems won't last.
For relying on Jesus, who knows what you can't bear...
Shifts the burden, to His Shoulders when life isn't fair!
"You are my hiding place and my shield.
My hope is based on your word."
Psalm 119:114 GWT